The competitive season runs from September 3, 2024 - June 27, 2025. 

There is no training on the following dates:

These dates are not counted towards the training season and are excluded from the tuition.

Thanksgiving Day: Mon. Oct 14, 2024

Halloween: Thu. Oct 31, 2024

Winter Break: December 23-January 5, 2025

Family Day: Mon. Feb 17, 2025

March Break: March 10-16, 2025

Victoria Day: Mon. May 19, 2025


Each new and returning member will pay a yearly Gymnastics Ontario (GO) Fee and a yearly Administration Fee upon registering for the program.

These fees are not refundable.


All training fees are collected on a monthly basis and are due by the 1st of each month.

Monthly fees are payable by Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) or cash. If paying by cash, a credit card must be provided to store on file.

Summer training is extra. 

In order to take part in club events & competitions, all fees need to be paid and the family account needs to be in good standing. 


PAD payments are collected as per the schedule below.

Cashp payments are due on or before the scheduled due dates. 

September Training - August 30
October Training - September 27
November Training - October 30
December Training - November 29
January Training - December 30
February Training - January 30
March Training - February 27
April Training - March 28
May Training - April 29
June Training - May 30


A late fee of $10 per week will be added to the account for each outstanding week.

If payment is more than 2 weeks late, your membership will be paused. In order to continue attending classes, all outstanding payments must be received. 




Children must be picked up on time at the end of the practice. There is no supervision once class has ended. If you are running late, please call the office to inform us. Late pickup will be charged $1/minute.

Registration fees for each competition (per routine) -   collected by your coach for each event.

Entrance fees to competitions/shows for spectators. Participating gymnasts are free.

Competition Costumes: May be bought or rented. The cost will vary. Parents should consult their coaches prior to purchasing or renting the outfit.

Routine Choreography Fee: Each routine is choreographed outside of training hours and scheduled with the coach. 

Gymnasts should have their own apparatus for routines. They may be purchased at our Pro-Shop or various rhythmic gymnastics online retailors.

Parents may book private lessons or semi-private lessons with their coach or dance instructor.

Provincial/National Level Additional Fees

Travel costs for competitions outside of the GTA/Ontario

Coaches travel expenses will be equally divided between participating gymnasts

Club Track Jacket to wear at club events and competitions

Additional gym rental - equally divided between participating gymnasts

Should a child withdraw from training in the middle of the season, Aspirals management must receive notice of cancellation in writing ( at least two week before the next billing date to avoid incurring monthly charges. If cancelling after the monthly payment has been processed, no refunds will be issued for that billing cycle.

There will be no partial refund of fees if the gymnast withdraws in the middle of the month.

If the family goes on vacation, the child gets sick or injured and misses more than two straight weeks of training, 50% of monthly fees must be paid in order to maintain their spot in the group.

There are no cancellations for the final month of the season.

All gymnasts must wear club branded uniform: pink leotard or club pink or black top and shorts

Hair must be neatly tied back

No jewellery, watches, belts, skirts etc. may be worn in the gym.

All Provincial athletes must purchase club tracksuits to wear at club events and competitions.

For the health of our members and staff, do not send sick children (or adults) to class.

There are no make-up classes for any missed training.  Fees will not be pro-rated for missed classes for any reason.

Classes may be cancelled due to inclement weather.

If inclement weather is forecasted (heavy snowfall, freezing rain, etc...), we will make the decision whether or not to cancel classes by 2:30 pm. All members will be notified by e-mail of the cancellation.

There are no make up classes for inclement days. 

Fees will not be prorated due to inclement weather day cancellations.

All private classes are booked directly with the coach.

Payment for private classes is payable (by cash only) directly to the coach at the end of each class.

Deposit of one private class is required upon booking of the first class. The deposit is fully refundable at the completion of the agreed-upon sessions, provided adherence to this policy.

There is a 24-hr cancellation policy. If the student cancels with less than 24 hours notice or is a no-show, full price of the private lesson will apply.

We send monthly newsletters by email. Please add to your contacts to ensure you receive our updates. Parents must check their emails regularly and inform the office, should their electronic address change. We will call only if the information we want to communicate is urgent and/or personal.

Members will receive regular newsletters, competition/show dates and update and other information that is often time-sensitive and/or will require your response. Parents may also call the club, write emails or come and talk to us in person during office hours.

Do not leave any valuables in the change rooms. Aspirals Gymnastics is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Use of electronics and phones is prohibited during training.

Throughout the year, Toronto Aspirals hosts an annual competition, "Valentine Classic", an in-club competition, "Stars of the Future" and several shows. Participation of parents is essential to the success of these events. 

At Toronto Aspirals Gymnastics Centre, we want to ensure that each gymnast has an equal opportunity to learn and participate.

The following is the recommended disciplinary protocol for behavioural issues, however, it is the coach’s decision as to the appropriate level of discipline required.

→ Verbal warning.

→ A verbal warning and the gymnast may be asked to sit out from training.

→ Parents phoned to come and pick up their child

→ Class suspension (without reimbursement of fees)

Should the behaviour continue in subsequent classes, the coach will discuss the matter with the gymnast's parent(s) at which point it will be determined if the gymnast will continue to be a member of the club.

When registering, parents must notify the club's administration if the child has behaviour/focusing/learning issues.

The following code of conduct is expected from all competitive gymnasts:

→ Safety first – never endanger yourself or others.
→ Always follow directions – when in doubt, ask your coach.
→ Behaviour: Athletes are expected to always behave in an appropriate manner. Rowdy, disrespectful or disruptive behaviours, violate the code of conduct. Athletes should show respect for the facility, for themselves and for others during training and competitions.
→ Work ethic: Athletes are always expected to give a continuous effort throughout practices and competitions.
→ Communication: Athletes are responsible for reporting any injuries to their coach at the onset of pain. Untreated injuries can escalate and result in more serious, long-term issues.
→ Appearance: Always wear club uniform to practice and dance classes. Hair must be
     worn in a ponytail or bun during practice.
→ Talking during class should be kept to a minimum to allow athletes and coaches to focus
     on their tasks.
→ No food or chewing gum allowed in the gym.
→ Only refillable water bottles are allowed inside the gym (no cups).
→ Gymnasts may not enter the gym without the coach and must wait in the parents’ lounge or in the hallway before the start of class.
Tell your coach any time you injure any part of your body.
→ At the end of class, always wait inside the building for a parent/guardian to pick you up.

Failure to comply with the Athlete’s Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action or termination of membership.

Our parents and families at Aspirals are our most important and valued resource in support of the success of our gymnasts. We ask that parents and families observe teh Aspirals Code of Conduct:

At Aspirals, the lead of coaching is undertaken strictly by the professionals at Aspirals. 

During practice, parents many not enter the gym or otherwise attempt to interact with the child or the coach.

If parents wish to speak to a coach, please do not contact the coach with questions immediately after practice. Please request an appointment to speak to the coach in private at a mutually convenient time. 

Taking photos and video recordings during practice is strictly prohibited.

Respect for coaches, staff, gymnasts, judges and the sport are expected at all times. 

Should you have any major issues to discuss, we ask that you wait 24 hours before speaking with the coach or the office. The discussion should not happen in the heat of the moment or in the presence of the child, unless requested by her coach. 

Enjoy the sport, the competition, and the spirit of sportmanship. Always!

Toronto Aspirals Management reserves the right to suspend and/or revoke club membership due to non-compliance of established policies and procedures.

To register, NEW MEMBERS, create an account in our 
Parent Portal

Call the office to confirm the available spots.

 New members who would like to join the pre-competitive and competitive programs must schedule an evaluation and/or a tryout class. Call our office at 905-695-0899 to schedule your evaluation today!


Contact the office by phone or email to register. Do NOT crate a new account!


All gymnasts are required to purchase club uniform and hand apparatus.